In Season?

These days we hear quite a bit about seasonal eating and how it can be extremely beneficial to your health.
Below we explore just what seasonal eating is, the benefits that come with it, and what’s in season right now!

Photo: Jon Collier

Seasonal eating is all about eating foods when nature produces them, naturally. It means building meals and eating foods that have been harvested at their peak. Each season brings unique foods to the table. While we’re so used to having the foods we want whenever we want them (peaches in December and apples in March), eating seasonally is quite beneficial.

Photo: Liz West

The Benefits. Eating seasonally is easy on the bank. These foods are typically in abundance during their peak season so they are more affordable. It’s much cheaper to purchase a ripe peach during the summer than in the winter. In season foods also have a chance to fully mature and ripen. Seasonal foods tend to be more nutrient rich. Because they are in season, the foods don’t have to travel as far to get to you, the consumer. This means they taste fresher, are of higher quality and retain vital nutrients! Eating in season foods can help your body adjust well to the changes it experiences when the seasons change. This article suggests foods that can be eaten during different seasons that will help your body stay healthy and well.


Photo: Andrew Taylor

Now that fall has arrived, new in season produce has arrived as well. Apples, corn, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are in. Find a farmers market so you can start stocking up on these healthy, in season produce options. Not sure what else is in this fall? This helpful seasonal food guide is specific to where you live, and what month it is.

Tell us, do you care about eating 'in season?'

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